Dusty, Well I guess you will be reaching another turning point in your life. It doesn't feel that long ago, yet it seems like another lifetime. Thirty years ago today (it was a Saturday), we were at a concert in downtown Chicago. I remeber hopping subway trains to get back to the north side of the city where Uncle Tommy lived. The concert was so loud! I was 3 weeks overdue with you and all you did was squirm like you were doing flips in my womb. It seemed like you were jamming to the music. Officially this was your first concert. I can't remember at this moment who was playing, but I do know it and will fill it in when it comes to me. All that subway hopping was enough to get you started for your big debut into this world. You were born on a Monday at exactly 5:16pm on 5-16-77. I was in labor for 36 hours before your arrival. You were definetly worth the wait! You were beautiful! You weighed in at 9lbs.10oz. It is pretty unusual for newborns to fit in size 0, but you did! You barely fit into the clothes. The nurses called you "Dick Buckas (sp)? and would give you extra feedings because you were hungry. Newborn babies usually lose a few ounces after they are born but you gained. You left the hospital weighing 9lb.16oz. You were a wonderful addition to our lives, and I can't imagine life without you. I remember your birth like it was yesterday. Enjoy the last day of your twenties. (The thirties are wonderful!) Enjoy each day because I'm telling you, they go by really fast! I was blessed the day you were born, and everyday there after. I'm very proud to be your Mother. Happy Birthday Eve! Love Mom