Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Lions and Tigers and Bears...Oh My!" Digital Art Series

"Lions and Tigers and Bears... Oh My!" Complete Digital Art Series.
Double click on it to see it larger.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


"Bears" Created today



-Created today
- Image number two in the 'Lions and Tigers and Bears' Digital Art Series

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"The Lions"

"The Lions"


Dustin M. O'Connor
-Created today-

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Where oh where did the week go?

Hi! Just checking out the site to see what I've been missing. And I did miss alot! What a cool Bronco pic (I want one!) I love it. That was such a good time in our lives and little did we know that someday it would be just memories and pictures for our walls and re-runs on our DVD player. Shows you that you have to seize the moment and drain every bit of life from it cuz everything ends up being a memory. Ok, I want a redo! Anybody? Anybody? Life's going too fast and I just don't want to miss anymore! This week was hectic and I'm glad it's almost over. I'm off this weekend and I'm gonna enjoy it. Maybe go see the new Stephen King movie 1408. Looks scary! Love and miss you. Will talk to you this weekend. All my love, Mom

"Thou Elway Shall Forever Burn in Thy Bronco Heart"

"Thou Elway Shall Forever Burn in Thy Bronco Heart"
This is just a Digital Art piece. Two of the gifts I got for my 30th, yet combined into one image. Wait till you see the mutha fuckin tatoos I'm going to get. I think maybe it should be against the law to get a tatoo until you are at least 30 years old. For until you are 30, how could you possibly know who you are really supposed to be.
Go Broncos!
PS / Side note: If you ever get a chance or see the 'Complete History of The Denver Broncos' Fucking get it man. It just has a simple Broncos logo on it. But For real it has like 6 plus-itty-plus-plus-plus the complete game of 'The Drive' Against Cleveland.
But ahywho, the first disc is fucking awesome. It goes all the way past the 2 superbowls, into plummer shit, etc. 9/11 , you name it (fuckin mcCaffreys broken leg and shit) anyways, check it out yo
-DMO उप इन थे स्किज्ज्य

Friday, June 15, 2007

"Clown Alley Dad"

This is all I could see in my head when I got this for him. I 1-day fed-exed it to him so he will get it for Fathers day. Awwwww, what a good kid. :)

Created like a minute ago

National Bingo

Hey I entered my bingo card from Friday night into the Super Grand Prize for $50,000.00 Wish me luck! Big Party if I get it.

Just wanted to say I love your new patriotic glass art. Good timing with 4th of July right around the corner. If a burglar enters your premises you can kill him! I love you, Mom

NEW 3-D Painting

New 3-D glass painting I made yesterday. Enjoy!

LOL :) you are funny :) I thought he posted on here :) that was weird.. Super hangover today, so no sudden / loud sounds please :) I'll write more later on


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Welcome Biby Cletus!

Welcome to the blog Biby! Glad you found us. I was truely amazed you popped in. Hope you enjoy us.
My life force has been sucked completely out of me
Thank you for never doing anything for me
Sold me out to the highest bidder
now go hang out with her go get her
I think I would feel better if I vomited
All over everything that I used to stand for
And everything else can just go away
maybe tomorrow I will fell better
If not I just have to write them all a letter.
Fucking sellouts you are all disgusting fat ass bitches
Peas in a pod and you need to be cooked
I would sign up but the signup sheet is booked.
Hopefully you will get yours
I know it will happen too bad I wont be there to witness it.

यू मके मे सिक यू फट बित्चेस
I am so God Damned disappointed
In the place that I call work
Fuck it fuck them fuck you too
I now no longer trust any of you.
Fucking cunts!
So I was just informed I didn't get that fucking job.
Obvious politics are in play here and I am so fucking pissed.
I am so god damned angry I could fucking kill someone.
So you best better fucking stay away from me.

The Giraffe Fantasy


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pics from Dads Birthday Party

My Pupils were kind of HUGE that night ;) These are pics from the party at dads on the 25th of May, the first night we got in town.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Mushrooms make a body good!

Mushrooms. Yummy. :) I tripped so hard that night :)

2 week notice

Two weeks since I have had one puff of a cigarette. If you go to quit, get the Nicoderm CQ - step 1 .. Its the only thing that will work, and I have been trying to quit for years. First 2 weeks are the roughest, let me tell you. Every night is a fight and every day is a Play, but take it moment by moment and you will make it on through. you have no idea the shit I have hacked up in the past 2 weeks, and its not even all out yet. Fucking crazy. Try it, let me know. Every time you take a puff, imagine how Grandma looked when she was dying on that bed. She would have killed for a deep breath, and I just dont want to see you die like that. Im not all 'reborn' christian and shit, cause fuck them, but what I am telling you is how much better I feel now. Im still sick after 2 weeks, but you know how much I smoked, and If I can do it, so can you. Its time to fucking quit guys,... I know you can do it t it.

What I looked like Today

On my 11th day off, and my 6th without a cigarette. This is me.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sure would be nice if other people posted on here....

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Last nights fire :)

The Chiminea was in full effect last night, It was amazing and there was a huge bright moon to go along with it. Crazy, crazy times :)


Friday, June 01, 2007

Clown Alley in my Posession

The Book finally arrived 15 days after it was shipped. But at least I have it now.