"Thou Elway Shall Forever Burn in Thy Bronco Heart"
This is just a Digital Art piece. Two of the gifts I got for my 30th, yet combined into one image. Wait till you see the mutha fuckin tatoos I'm going to get. I think maybe it should be against the law to get a tatoo until you are at least 30 years old. For until you are 30, how could you possibly know who you are really supposed to be.
Go Broncos!
PS / Side note: If you ever get a chance or see the 'Complete History of The Denver Broncos' Fucking get it man. It just has a simple Broncos logo on it. But For real it has like 6 plus-itty-plus-plus-plus the complete game of 'The Drive' Against Cleveland.
But ahywho, the first disc is fucking awesome. It goes all the way past the 2 superbowls, into plummer shit, etc. 9/11 , you name it (fuckin mcCaffreys broken leg and shit) anyways, check it out yo
-DMO उप इन थे स्किज्ज्य