Saturday, March 10, 2007

Saturday 3/10 about 2:15pm... Don't forget to set your clocks an hour ahead tonight when you go to bed. Last night we got pretty tore up... We had vodka-Midori-OJ drinks... they were delicious. I think they call them Melonballers or something, all I know is they Fizz-uck you up. So today I am kind of hanging. Thank Goodness for SMOKE :) muhahahahahaha.

She went to a friends baby shower... I got out of that one pretty easily. She knows its not my scene you know? We had to stop at Babies'R'Us... it was weird.. I felt like the big bad wolf in a store with a thousand little red riding hoods.. I told her they need a store for people who don't want kids.. They could call it 'Babies'RnotforUs' lol :) that would be funny :) Anyways, just a pretty kick back kind of day, so I am going to enjot it. First day I have slept past noon in forever.. and I still have a headache.. I think its from using thinner in my oil paintings the last few days.. I dont know. Anyways, thats all I have from camp Dusty in Holladay. Hope you have a great weekend and I will talk to you soon!

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