Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Videos on the Internet

Videos I have On You Tube:

(No P.J. ... not those kind of movies ;)

Turn up your sound :) you might have to keep sliding the play bar to the left until the bar is all red. Then you can watch it without skipping. <----2006 Digital Art Movie <--- Colorado Nature Movie (my Photos) <--- Statue Photo Movie <-- Older Art movie

It took me hours to get just these four uploaded.

Enjoy :)



Donna O'Connor said...

Dusty, the first one I watched was Colorado Nature and the song made me want to cry! That was wonderful! It didnt skip or anything. My computer froze or something. It wont let me gp back, but I'll keep on trying. How wonderful! Love Mom ps now I'm homesick!

Anonymous said...

Thank you :) who needs to visit Colorado when you have a video like that ;) Just playin :) my video processor is slow or something because it takes 5-10 min. of letting it play, and rewinding it to get them to play. Wait till you see the statue one... It is crazy, lots of your stuff is in it, it will give you a major flashback.

Donna O'Connor said...

How amazing! I really enjoyed the statue one, seeing all my old angels and dolls and things! I even joined the tube thing so I can comment on your videos! Keep up the good work! I loved them all!

Anonymous said...

I thought you would like that :) Have you watched the 2006 digital art one yet? Its pretty cool :) Call me today homey, its friday :)