heyyy guys! hows it goin? so here i sit on Easter Sunday with Aunt Donna, Aunt Carol and Arlin. Happy Easter! so anywayy me and aunt donna are gunna start cookin dinner soon that should be a great time. After that Jesse will probably come over for a while and spend some time with me. Hes so cute i love him! he got me a card yesterday cuz he pissed me off and he wanted to suck up lol the card said like ill love you til the end of time.... then inside it said but after that im gunna start dating again ahha im gunna beat his ass lol but it was the thought that counts and i love him so much. So i just talked to Dusty who sent this to me to add stuff on it and it sounds pretty exciting! i love reading about other peoples lives haha it keeps me up to date on the family gossip. Hmm what else is new... Since i've been out of Choices..the mental hospital haha ive quit both of my jobs because they judge me and called me slice and dice that pissed me off so now Steak n Shake is under corporate investigation and taco bell/kfc can just kiss my ass lol but im doing a lot better me and jesse are getting along a lot better and we're saving up to get an apartment hopefully it will be soon. We already have a 2000 blue ford mustang we are fixing up its really nice i love it! well im gunna add a picture or 2 of me and jess then start peeling potatoes for aunt donna hahha so ill probably write more either tonight or tomorrow depending on time and how tired i get tonight!!
Love you guys always!
Katie Ann~
Awwww!!! Matching shirts ;) you guys look like a cute couple! Awesome! I am happy for you Katie :)
Preetttyyyy Cool reading. Don't hold back now Katie Ann! I love you. Dinner WAS good, huh? We kicked ass!
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