"Thou Elway Shall Forever Burn in Thy Bronco Heart"
This is just a Digital Art piece. Two of the gifts I got for my 30th, yet combined into one image. Wait till you see the mutha fuckin tatoos I'm going to get. I think maybe it should be against the law to get a tatoo until you are at least 30 years old. For until you are 30, how could you possibly know who you are really supposed to be.
Go Broncos!
PS / Side note: If you ever get a chance or see the 'Complete History of The Denver Broncos' Fucking get it man. It just has a simple Broncos logo on it. But For real it has like 6 plus-itty-plus-plus-plus the complete game of 'The Drive' Against Cleveland.
But ahywho, the first disc is fucking awesome. It goes all the way past the 2 superbowls, into plummer shit, etc. 9/11 , you name it (fuckin mcCaffreys broken leg and shit) anyways, check it out yo
-DMO उप इन थे स्किज्ज्य
anyways, this one person I heard on Southpark once said 'Drugs are bad Bimbay, From tin-ok-wu the kung fu clan flies from right to left jingo'
For real.
Isnt that crazy that one time at band camp when Anna Nicole , like croaked it at like, That one place and stuff.
Lol, I saw on TV once, that All of the cast of 90210, like never had it in their contract to like, sell stuff on, DVD, cause like, I mean even like VHS, and like brandon and shit got all mad at brenda... OMG... anywho, when all of the shows like Lucy and whateva show they sell there was a demand for 90210. The studios released it, but none of the original castmates didnt make a cent on that because it was never in their original contract. No wonder why donna had an eating disorder, dylan smoked foilies in his porche, nad then like crashed his car on mulholland... OMG... and that time, like davids hillbilly buddy like, OMG shot himself.. talk about a Story for wee sidekick andrea to cover. I dont want to spoil it all, but I just might be back and do a synopsis on 'the shining' just wait
Like yo, bro! Who's the ho? Like man, shit. Naw, that is truely amazing! How cool is that? What kind of tatoos are you gonna get? I love that comment about getting tattoos until you find out in life what you are supposed to be!
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