Hey! How are things with everyone? Hope this finds you well and happy. It's still freaking winter out here. Illinois has 4 seasons, no deviations!( Sure hope thats spelled right.) I'm so jealous when I hear what the weather is in Colorado or Utah. I can't wait to leave this state forever. It should be called the "Dead Zone", Illinois. I'm glad I came out here tho. I made the best of it. I was reunited with my sisters and that was most important to me.. I wouldn't change that for the world. To spend time with Aunt Susie was priceless. I learned alot about myself; did alot of soulsearching. Found my "roots", so to speak. That song, "Always Use Sunscreen" comes to mind. About staying close to your siblings cuz they will stand by you when you get older. Along those lines anyway.... Ah well. I was sent out here for a reason, MAYBE a season, but NOT a lifetime. Well, thanks for letting me vent. All my love to those who deserve it! Mom
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