Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Day 2 of 7 off. I cleaned my blue glass piece. It had been tasting like shampoo because some of our guests we had in november brought 'Elvis movies' packed in shampoo. Anyways, my 2 day cleaning process has ended and it is now 99.7% spotless, like when I got it. Now its time to make it dirty again! muhahahahaha! took out some boneless ribs and my other main goal for today is to clean that damn grill. It hasnt been cleaned since last summer I think. Its freakin nappy. It didnt snow today, but maybe it will later? Who knows :) Just sending out a little 'how ya doin' from Utah. Her sister will be out sunday night and then will be here for 2 weeks.. like in Total Recall, grrrrr... huh? SO............ I am enjoying every singe second of my being alone that I can. Soaking it up yo :) Hope you are having a great day and I will talk to you soon.

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