Sunday, September 28, 2008

See, proof that Paul really did come, and I couldn't not put a pic of Jo in, she is such a sweetheart! I am really hoping that you guys will be able to come visit again soon, cause I miss you both! I would love to see you for the holidays, hint, hint!!! Hope the move went well, and that you both aren't too banged up....from moving that is!!! Can't wait to see you both again soon! Keep posting!!!

Have to include the obligatory picture of Dusty and I hugging, this was from Uncle Dan's house when he and Jo came out to visit.....want to know the best part of that night?? It was the fact that we weren't interrupted or put in a bad mood by "The Unmentionables!" It was awesome, even Paul came down. We had a great night and an awesome visit! More pics to follow!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My back hurts yo... and we have lots of shit to do today too.. Not going to be good :) Our personalized Broncos shirts should be coming soon, im pretty excited :) Mine is a long sleeved Bronco one that says 'Dusty - #1" and Jo's says 'Jo Marie #77' :) I'll get some pics when they come.

Day 5 of 7 off:

Morning! Pretty sore waking up today. We did the move and it went off without a hitch... We still have the computer and TV here, but besides that pretty much everything is gone.. We're going to go try and set some stuff up today, then go major food shopping. After that, a trip for some beer then Im pretty much tapped out. Maybe some more smokes too. Anywho, we ended up getting the super big U-haul, its a 24 footer. It was pretty amazing but nothing ended up getting broken so we did pretty good. Got the Chiminea set up on this rock pedastal thing in the back yard at the new place. It's freakin awesome :) eventually I want like a big fountain thing there but for now the Fire pit can be there :). Anywho, i got banged up pretty good, got a couple of bruises and i am way tired today. Will write back more later.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Movie to check out:

"Funny Games" - with Naomi Watts and Tim Roth.


I'm back!!!

Hey all, I am back on the blog scene!!! It has been a while, but my password didn't work, and I was waiting for Dusty to send me a new invite, which he did, today!!! So, here I am!! Anyway, I have been one busy gal, working full time, attending a tax class 2 nights a week for 3 hours a night, for 10 weeks. All that so that I can work at the tax place this coming tax season, have to keep that money coming in over the winter when Paul isn't working as much! AND....I am working on my MBA in Financial Management! This will open up a lot of doors for me, and I can't wait to finish! At the rate I am going, I will be done with my MBA before Christmas of 2009! That is a little over a year away, but I am going to do it!!! Still no baby yet, though we were close not too long ago, and after the miscarraige, we are trying again....if we were that close once, we can do it!!! LOL!!! Anyway, life is good, weather is great, and work is calling to me, or rather, I think that it is my boss yelling at me to get to work, or something!! More later, hopefully this weekend, and maybe I can post some pics for your viewing pleasure! Miss you all!
Becky Boo

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 1 of 7 Off

Day 1 of 7 off. Haven't had a good solid 7 off in a long time... This 7 off is going to be stressfull, but I the one after that should be good. This move is really weighing heavy on everyone. I wish we could just push a button and BAM, have everything moved. I'll email everyone my new address, and then we'll have a new phone number as well (just like I wanted) :) Other than that didn't do much today... Usually on my first day off all I do is shit, smoke, and play with my balls. lol, just kidding about the smoking ;) muhahahahaha :) no, but really all im doing now is waiting for the move.. It should only take a couple of hours I think, and it shouldnt be as bad as when I moved all of my stuff there. I'm going to go over there tomorrow and rip all of the carpet out, and spray down the cement so that it doesnt smell. THEN, on thursday, Im going to plant some trees in the front yard, and then relocate Jo's Irises. Some will go in the front yard, and some in the back. Its going to be amazing!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Daed Guy Standing at own Funeral

I couldn't believe this-standing room only! Isn't this crazy? Just wanted to show you because I couldn't believe it either. Well, enjoy the football games and I sure hope we get the Broncos out here. We WILL be cheering! GO BRONCOS! Love Mom

Andy in Booty Camp

I just wanted to wish Andy a safe time at booty camp. He just needs to stay focused if he can, and get back safely to us. All our love to you Andy! Stay strong and hurry back. Love from LaSalle

Aunt Carol

Howdy! I'm happy to be able to write a happy ending to the recent events. A week ago Aunt Carol was in the Intensive Care Unit and to look at her today you wouldn't even know it. I almost lost my best friend, and I'm so happy she decided to stick around awhile. There is still alot of fun to be had out there, and I'm gonna enjoy every day with her like it's our last. Goes to show ya that you never know what day the Grim Reaper will be a knocking, or whose door it will be. Sounds crazy hut enjoy each other, cuz you just never know. Will keep you updated on her progress. I love you with all my heart, Mom

Friday, September 19, 2008

Cant sleep :( it sucks... going to try and crash soon... getting sleepy, getting kind of creepy...The one in the bed has gotten kind of lippy. Its late, wipe the slate but I try to keep it all clean, I mean what I mean, I slant and I crawl just to think of the past, I slowly wind down just to see it go fast. Tomorrow will hurt just like today did, i swoop down like an eagle just to see what you hid.

Friday, September 12, 2008

White Ttrash Event of the Year

White Trash Sale of the Century!

Tomorrow (9/13) we're having a bil ol sale. A mighty Yard sale you could say. So we'll see, hopefully we can make some cash... or some of the money we lost when we had to pay the 700$ to get the car fixed. So wish us luck :) OH... so last night we and some people decided to drink. It got pretty out of hand.. Drank almost a liter of Vodka and 15 beers. THEN, I had to wake up @ 6AM for a long ass day of OT. But I did it! and now its over. Tomorrow's going to be a long day. Then Sunday its Denver Bronco day @2pm so I am wicked excited! I worked Thursday/Friday and work monday (30 hours of OT) , then do the same thing on my next 7 off. So that should help us out a lot!

Monday, September 01, 2008

We did a lot of yard work over there today... Then we went back to do more, I was raking/cleaning out under the deck and I shit you not I saw a black scorpion. It had a white stinger on it. I thought to myself 'NO fucking way!!' , I looked closer and sure enough it was a fucking scorpion. unbelievable. I cut it in half. :)
That was a good post :) I think its going to be a great year! :) I will take some pics of the inside of the house... We should be going over there in a bit. yesterday we got like 12 trees/sets of flowers/bushes so it should be pretty awesome :) I got a Dwarf Spruce tree, and I want to get a couple more and then we'll have them planted today... I want to eventually get a bunch of fruit trees and stuff like that in the backyard... Im way excited