Monday, June 04, 2007

2 week notice

Two weeks since I have had one puff of a cigarette. If you go to quit, get the Nicoderm CQ - step 1 .. Its the only thing that will work, and I have been trying to quit for years. First 2 weeks are the roughest, let me tell you. Every night is a fight and every day is a Play, but take it moment by moment and you will make it on through. you have no idea the shit I have hacked up in the past 2 weeks, and its not even all out yet. Fucking crazy. Try it, let me know. Every time you take a puff, imagine how Grandma looked when she was dying on that bed. She would have killed for a deep breath, and I just dont want to see you die like that. Im not all 'reborn' christian and shit, cause fuck them, but what I am telling you is how much better I feel now. Im still sick after 2 weeks, but you know how much I smoked, and If I can do it, so can you. Its time to fucking quit guys,... I know you can do it t it.


Donna O'Connor said...

Well you sure inspired me! I will begin getting it in my head. That is the first step.

Anonymous said...

dont go too quick... When we got into it on 7/11 i started right back up. I was pretty traumatized.

I love you and I love smoking too.

But who knows what lies in the road ahead. Like Jefferson Airplane said ' Feed you Head"