Saturday, January 03, 2009

Day 5 of 7 off... Its been glorious... New years, I slept about 15 hours, got up at about 430 pm, then went back to sleep at 7:30pm for another 15 or 16 hours. It was crazy. I sho do feel better though. Haven't slept this well since 'Nam. Anyways, today we're going to fix our kitchen sink and then go food shopping, and chill out. I had the whole back deck shoveled and cleaned off and then it snowed again. I was out there like 3 hours the other day shoveling that snow and ice off of there. I am just worried about it since there is no water sealant on it. Anywho, I love you and I hope you are staying warm. Too bad theres no football for the Bears or the Broncos. Makes pappi sad.


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